Ep. 5: Main Character Energy

Season #1

Are you the main character in your life? If not, these tips and tricks will help you embody that main character energy, unapologetically blaze your trail and help you stop playing small in your life and business. Because, you are the star of the show, baby!

We Chat:

  • My thoughts on what it means to be the main character in your life and why it's so important
  • My journey from a people pleaser playing small to make others more comfortable to putting myself first and taking messy action towards my dreams
  • How to prioritize your joy, happiness and energy by setting boundaries and saying a "Hell Yes!" to yourself
  • Tips, strategies and encouragement to shift from supporting role to main character


Text me! (805) 669-9647 with any questions or to find out how we can work together.

Get access to my brand new EXPANDED Session: Your Highest Self (hypnosis session + 20 page in depth workbook) here: katewhitfield.com FREE for a limited time - enjoy!

Follow along on instagram: @katewhitfieldxo


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