Ready to meet the Next Level You?


Activate Your NEXT LEVEL Vision, Identity, Mindset, Magnetism & Abundance!

A 6 week online course, group coaching program + mastermind community hybrid to give you the clarity, confidence and strategy to supercharge your manifestations, embody your highest self and skyrocket your next level life and business.


Launching in:









Now Is Your Time To:


 → Get Clear On Your Vision: Gain crystal-clear clarity on what you truly desire, and the unique vision for your life (and business) that aligns with your highest self.

 → Embody Your Next Level Identity: Reprogram old, limiting beliefs and fully embody your truest, most authentic self with unstoppable confidence.

 → Develop a Powerful Mindset: Develop a mindset that supports your next level expansion, resilience, and success, enabling you to hit your next level with joy and ease.

 → Become Magnetic: Enhance your magnetism, attracting opportunities, relationships, clients and abundance effortlessly into your life.

 → Manifest Abundance: Master the principles of manifestation, clearing any blocks to financial and personal prosperity.

 → Activate Your Potential: Take inspired, aligned action towards your goals, maintaining momentum and quantum leaping in your life and business.


Sound Good?

Juicy subconscious work + proven manifestation techniques = everything you desire in your life & business...


If you are ready to reprogram your subconscious mind, align with your highest self, and create a life of limitless possibilities, Next Level U is your transformative journey. This program is designed for the woman who knows her potential and is committed to making it a reality. Join us and become the empowered, successful person you were always meant to be. 

Because it's ALL possible... xo





To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind & Become  A TOTALLY DIFFERENT Person In Just 6 Weeks?  


The power of subconscious work lies in its ability to tap into the deeper layers of your mind, where your beliefs, habits, and automatic responses are formed. By addressing and reshaping these underlying patterns, you can create profound and lasting change in your life. This process involves consistently feeding your subconscious mind with new, empowering beliefs and positive affirmations, which ultimately replace the old, limiting ones.

Through techniques such as visualization, hypnosis, & EFT you can effectively rewire your subconscious mind. This transformation enables you to break free from self-sabotaging behaviors, overcome fears, and build unshakeable confidence. As you align your subconscious mind with your conscious goals, you start to attract opportunities and resources that resonate with your new mindset. In just 6 weeks, you can witness significant shifts in your thoughts, emotions, and actions, leading to a more fulfilled, abundant, and empowered life.




She’s the woman who wakes up each morning with a sense of purpose and excitement, knowing exactly what she wants and how to get it. She’s living her dream life, a life she once only imagined. Her days are filled with meaningful work that aligns with her passions, allowing her to make a significant impact while enjoying the freedom to design her schedule. She effortlessly balances her thriving career with quality time spent with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, and nurturing her well-being.

She’s confident and unapologetically authentic, radiating a magnetic energy that draws opportunities and positive relationships into her life. Challenges that once seemed insurmountable now become stepping stones for growth, as she approaches each with a resilient and empowered mindset. Her financial abundance reflects her inner transformation, with money flowing to her easily and joyfully, supporting a lifestyle of both luxury and generosity.

She feels deeply connected to her true self, experiencing a profound sense of fulfillment and joy in everything she does. Her self-belief is unwavering, and she trusts in her ability to manifest her desires. She moves through life with grace and ease, embodying a powerful blend of ambition and tranquility...

Here's What's Included:


→ 6 weekly course modules (dropped each Monday)

→ 6 weeks of live group coaching and subconscious re-wiring sessions (recorded in case you can't make it live)

 → 6 in depth workbooks

→ Online Community (accessed via private portal on your computer or app on your phone)


PLUS, These Incredible Bonuses:


→ Aligned & Abundant Morning Meditation

→ Getting Ready Lucky Girl Affirmations

→ Magnetic Money Hypnosis

→ Success & Confidence EFT Session

→ Monthly Manifestation Journal 

→ Your Next Level Vision Board Template (Phone + Desktop)

→ Your Next Level Subliminal Recordings



01 // Your Next Level VISION


In Week 1, we dive deep into crafting a compelling vision for your life, getting crystal clear on what your next level looks like. This session is all about gaining profound clarity on your true desires, ensuring that your vision aligns with your core values and passions. By the end of this week, you'll have a vivid, detailed picture of the life (and business) you truly want to create, not just based on what you think you should want, but what resonates with your highest self and deepest self.

We Cover:

  • Tapping into your inner creator
  • Letting go of "should" and expectations
  • Defining your ultimate life and business goals.
  • Visualization exercises and creating vision boards.
  • Identifying and aligning with your core values.

Subconscious Reprogramming: 

  • Manifest Your Perfect Day: Morning Meditation
  • Powerful Creator: Hypnosis Session

02 // Your Next LeveL  IDENTITY


Week 2 focuses on creating and embodying your NEXT LEVEL identity. We will explore the stories and beliefs that have shaped you, and work on transforming any transmuting any limiting beliefs around your identity, allowing you to step into your next level identity powerfully and authentically.

We Cover:

  • Getting clear on who your next level self truly is, how she acts and what she believes.
  • Identifying and transforming limiting beliefs around who you are and what you are capable of.
  • Building self-confidence and self-esteem as your next level self.
  • Understanding the impact of your identity on your goals.

Subconscious Reprogramming: 

  • Next Level Self: Anchoring Exercise
  • Stepping Into Your New Identity: Hypnosis

03 // Your Next Level  MINDSET


In Week 3, we upgrade your mindset and beliefs so you can powerfully and confidently navigate the world as your next level self. 

We Cover:

  • Reframing negative thought patterns and self sabotage
  • Identifying and challenging any remaining limiting beliefs.
  • Confidently showing up and being seen
  • Unlocking your creative potential
  • Developing an Abundance Mindset

Subconscious Reprogramming: 

  • Limiting Beliefs: EFT Session
  • Next Level Confidence: Hypnosis Session

04 // Your Next LeveL  MAGNETISM


Week 4 is all about enhancing your personal magnetism and attracting what you desire into your life. We will explore the principles of energy and attraction, and develop habits that increase your personal magnetism. 

We Cover:

  • Understanding the law of attraction and energy alignment.
  • Feminine vs. Masculine energy
  • Building charismatic presence and influence.
  • Creating daily habits to maintain high vibration.
  • Attracting and nurturing authentic relationships.
  • Setting boundaries and protecting your energy.

Subconscious Reprogramming: 

  • My Magnetic Feminine Morning Meditation
  • Magnetic Self: Hypnosis Session

05 // Your Next Level ABUNDANCE


In Week 5, we focus on manifesting abundance in all areas of your life. We will cover the principles of manifestation and apply them specifically to financial abundance. This week is about clearing money blocks and aligning yourself with an abundant mindset.

We Cover:

  • Understanding the principles of manifestation.
  • Techniques for manifesting financial abundance.
  • Clearing money blocks and limiting beliefs.
  • Advanced scripting and vision board techniques.
  • Aligning your energy with your desires.

Subconscious Reprogramming: 

  • Clearing Money Blocks: EFT Session
  • Abundance & Worthiness: Hypnosis Reprogramming Session

06 // Your Next LeveL  ACTIVATION


Week 6 is about taking inspired action to bring your vision to life. We will differentiate between inspired and forced action, and create a balanced action plan. This final week is designed to empower you to move forward with confidence, maintaining momentum and celebrating your Next Level!

We Cover:

  • Differentiating between inspired and forced action.
  • Connecting to your intuition and highest self for guidance
  • Overcoming procrastination and building momentum.
  • The power of celebration and keeping your vibration high

Subconscious Reprogramming: 

  • Universal Guidance: meditation
  • Embody Your Next Level Self: Hypnosis Session

Self Study


Most Affordable

  • 6 Module Self Study Course
  • 6 In Depth Workbooks
  • 6 Pre-Recordrd Transformational Reprogramming Sessions
  • All the bonuses

Live Group Program


Most Popular

  • 6 Module Self Study Course
  • 6 In Depth Workbooks
  • 6 Pre-Recordrd Transformational Reprogramming Sessions
  • All the bonuses
  • LIVE weekly group coaching & Q&A Session
  • LIVE weekly transformational reprogramming session

VIP Upgrade


Most Support

  • Everything in the Live Group Program
  •  1x 90 Minute Activation Session with Kate
  • 6 Weeks of Telegram support
  • Custom Next Level walking meditation and sleep hypnosis

Is This The Right Fit For You?



You KNOW you have the passion & potential for your next level life but you keep falling short or self-sabotaging your success. 


 You DESIRE more! More abundance, financial freedom, success and joy in your life and business.


You are READY to claim your next level life, embody your next level self and become magnetic to everything you desire!



You aren't willing to go deep and do the work to reprogram your subconscious mind for success and abundance.


 You're not ready to call in your next level and want to stay where you are a little longer.


You're not all in on investing in yourself and your business just yet

Are You Ready To Take Your Life To The Next Level?

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