Tap Into The Power of Manifestation This Summer Solstice

Jun 21, 2023

Hello, beautiful souls!

Can you feel that? The air is buzzing with magic and possibility! That's right, my friends, it's almost time for the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, when the sun lavishes us with its light, and we have a golden opportunity to manifest some serious magic into our livesā€‹.

Historically, the Summer Solstice is a time of celebration, a time to honor the light, life, and the beautiful beings we are. It's the peak of 'yang' energy, the season of birthing new beginnings, manifesting dreams, and welcoming abundance into our lives. This is the perfect time to invite new energy and receive your manifestations. And it's equally crucial to set clear intentions during this vibrant period, focusing on what energy you'd like to attract over the next six monthsā€‹


Ready to create some solstice magic? Here's a simple, yet powerful, 5-step ritual that you can perform to harness the potent energy of the Summer Solstice: 


1. Set Your Intentions: Take some time to reflect on your journey so far this year and what you'd like to call in over the rest of it. What are your goals and intentions for the next six months? Write them down. Creating a list can help you solidify these goals and make them feel more tangible. Pro tip: Really FEEL the feelings of having all these manifestations as you go down the list. 

2. Gratitude List: Now, write a list of all the wonderful things that have come to fruition over the last six months. Expressing gratitude for what you've already manifested is a powerful way to invite even more abundance into your life. Again, sit with the feelings of gratitude and thankfulness, soaking it all in. 

3. Celebration List: Next, write a list of all your achievements over the last six months. Celebrate yourself! After all, you've been the driving force behind all these wonderful manifestations, working in harmony with the Universe.

4. Future Self Meditation: The next step in our Summer Solstice ritual involves diving deep within ourselves through a Future Self Meditation. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment. Now, envision your future self, the person you are becoming, the person who has already manifested all the intentions you've set. What do you see? How do you feel? What are you doing? Where are you? Immerse yourself in these details, feel the emotions, and align with the energy of your future self. This meditation helps bridge the gap between your present reality and the future you're manifesting.

5. Scripting: For the final step, we're going to use the power of words with a technique known as scripting. Take a journal and start writing a letter to the Universe, but here's the key - write it as if all your desires have already manifested. Write in the present tense, imbue your words with gratitude and joy. Describe your life, how it feels to have achieved your goals, the positive changes you see around you. The act of scripting helps you align your energy with the reality you're seeking to manifest, making it feel more tangible and achievable.

Remember, manifestation is all about aligning our energy, beliefs, and actions with our desired outcomes. These steps are designed to help you tap into the potent energy of the Summer Solstice, set clear intentions, and align yourself with the life you're seeking to manifest. 

Bonus: If you can perform these steps outside, connecting with Mother Earth, it'll only amplify the potency of this ritual. The Summer Solstice is a wonderful time to bond with the natural world and to feel connected with the universal energy flow. So get your toes in the grass, your feet in the ocean or your butt in the sand, babe!


Here are some journal prompts to help get you started:

  1. What are my intentions for the next six months?
  2. How have I grown as a person in the last six months?
  3. What are the things I'm most grateful for at this moment?
  4. What steps can I take to align myself with the energy of my future self?
  5. How does my future self handle challenges?
  6. What does abundance look like to me?
  7. How do I feel when I visualize my desires manifested?
  8. What are the limiting beliefs I need to release to invite more abundance into my life?
  9. What actions can I take to support my intentions?
  10. How can I keep my energy aligned with my intentions on a daily basis?


And you know I can't post anything without sharing some affirmations:

  • I am open and receptive to all the abundance the Universe offers.
  • I am aligned with the energy of my highest self.
  • I trust the Universe to bring my desires into reality.
  • I am grateful for the abundance flowing into my life.
  • I release all limiting beliefs that block my path to abundance.
  • I am growing and evolving every day.
  • I celebrate my achievements and honor my journey.
  • The Universe supports my dreams and desires.
  • I am manifesting my intentions with ease and grace.
  • Every day, in every way, I am attracting more abundance into my life.

I truly hope this post inspires you and offers some useful insights on harnessing the power of the Summer Solstice to manifest your dreams. No matter how you choose to celebrate this magical day, I hope it's filled with love, light, and lots of positive energy.

Remember, you are powerful, you are capable, and you are deserving of all the abundance the Universe has to offer. Let's step into the next half of the year with open hearts and clear intentions, ready to make magic happen!


And just imagine what the next 3-6 months will look like if you decide to go all in on your dreams today! 


As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this post and your own experiences with manifestation rituals. Feel free to share in the comments section below or DM me on instagram. Sending you all loads of love and positive vibes. Let's make the rest of the year magical together!ā€‹



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