Embodying Your Next Level Self: Manifest Your Dream Life and Business

Jun 15, 2023

You've probably heard about the idea of embodying your next level self, but what does that mean, and why is it so crucial for manifesting your dream life and business? Well, sit back and get ready to dive deep into this transformative concept!


What is Embodying Your Next Level Self?


Imagine the version of you who has already accomplished everything you're currently dreaming about. That's your next level self! She's the one who's hit those goals, made the money, and created the success you currently desire. This future you thinks, shows up, and even behaves differently. She has a unique mindset, distinct characteristics, and specific routines and habits that help her thrive​.


The Key to Manifestation


When you embody your next level self, you align with the energy of your desires, showing the Universe that you're open and ready to receive. This alignment is a fundamental principle of the Law of Attraction. You become an energetic match for the things you want to manifest, and the Universe has no choice but to deliver! By living life from a place where you know your success is a done deal, you're effectively signalling to the Universe that you are the version of you who already has it all​.


Gaining Clarity on Your Next Level Self


Understanding your next level self is the first crucial step towards embodying her. In order to make the right changes and align with her energy, you must first have a clear vision of who this future self is. To do so, you should ask yourself some key questions.

Envision Your Next Level Self

Start by visualizing your future self, the one who has already achieved all your current dreams and aspirations. How does she carry herself? What is her mindset like? What habits and routines has she adopted? What does her typical day look like? Picture her life in as much detail as possible.

Identify the Differences

Once you have a clear picture of your next level self, compare her with your current self. Identify the differences in traits, mindset, habits, routines, and lifestyle. These differences are what you'll work towards to transform into your next level self.

Describe Her in Detail

Now that you have a comparison, describe your next level self in detail. Write down her characteristics, mindset, habits, routines, and lifestyle. The more detailed your description, the clearer your vision will be. This will serve as your guide as you start your transformation.

Define the Steps

From your detailed description, identify the steps you need to take to become your next level self. These could be adopting new habits, changing your mindset, altering your daily routine, or even adjusting or updating your physical appearance.

Remember, becoming your next level self is not about becoming a different person. It's about stepping into a version of yourself that's already within you, waiting to be unveiled. It's about shedding what no longer serves you and adopting what brings you closer to your dream life. With clarity, you'll find the journey to becoming your next level self a lot smoother and more rewarding.


How to Step Into Your Next Level Self


Embrace Your Positive Traits

The journey towards embodying your next level self starts with identifying the traits your future self possesses that you're currently not fully activating or tapping into. Do a little soul-searching, and bring these characteristics to the surface. Once identified, you can start incorporating these traits into your everyday life. Confidence, boldness, self-belief - these are all qualities that your next level self might possess, and you can start embracing them today​1​.

Release Limiting Beliefs

Your next level self is free from the shackles of limiting beliefs. It's time to let go of any beliefs that are holding you back from living your dream life. Remember, your next level self doesn't let a negative mindset obstruct her path to success. Releasing these beliefs is a significant step towards embodying your next level self and manifesting your desires​. My favourite methods for this are hypnosis, EFT, guided visualizations, journaling and meditating.

Physically Embody Your Next Level Self

Embodying your next level self also includes carrying yourself just as she would. Stand tall, smile, and express confidence through your body language. This physical embodiment is a powerful signal to the world (and yourself) that you are your next level self​.

Dress and Style Yourself as Your Next Level Self

How does your next level self dress and style herself? Do you see her in stylish outfits, or does she prefer comfortable clothes? Does she wear bold lipstick, or is she more of a minimalist? Start aligning your appearance with your next level self. Dressing, styling your hair, and doing your makeup as she does can help you tap into her energy and feel more connected to her​1​.

Cultivate the Routines and Habits of Your Next Level Self

Lastly, think about the daily routines and habits of your next level self. What does her morning routine look like? What kind of work schedule does she follow? Start incorporating these elements into your current routine. Remember, there's nothing stopping you from living your dream life right now​.


Next Level Affirmations


As you embark on this journey, here are ten powerful affirmations to help you embrace your next level self:

  1. I am stepping into the highest version of myself.
  2. Every day, I align more with my next level self.
  3. I am worthy of the success and happiness I desire.
  4. I release limiting beliefs that hold me back.
  5. I possess all the traits of my successful, abundant future self.
  6. I am confident and bold in pursuing my dreams.
  7. I am open and ready to receive all the Universe has for me.
  8. I am becoming an energetic match for my desires.
  9. I embody success, abundance, and joy every day.
  10. I am constantly evolving and am up to the challenge.


Next Level Journal Prompts


  1. What traits does my next level self possess?
  2. What limiting beliefs do I need to release to align with my next level self?
  3. How does my next level self dress and present herself?
  4. What daily habits and routines does my next level self follow?
  5. How does my next level self handle challenges and setbacks?
  6. How does my next level self interact with others?
  7. What actions can I take today to align more with my next level self?
  8. How does embodying my next level self affect my confidence and self-esteem?
  9. How can I signal to the Universe that I am open and ready to receive?
  10. What further changes can I expect as I continue to embody my next level self?


Embodying your next level self is a journey of self-discovery and transformation. As you align with your future self, you'll find yourself manifesting your desires more effortlessly. So, embrace the process and step into the best version of yourself. After all, your dream life and business are just around the corner!

And, if you want to jumpstart your journey to becoming your next level self, get my FREE Embody Your Next Level Self Walking Meditation by joining the newsletter list below! (It's a whole vibe...promise! xo)

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I help early stage entrepreneurs reinvent themselves, embody their next level, 6 figure CEO selves + master the art of mindset, manifestation + aligned strategy to QUANTUM LEAP in their lives and businesses. Because it's ALL possible... xo

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