What Is Manifesting, Anyway?

Dec 10, 2021

Let’s talk about manifesting - what it is and what it isn’t and what you actually need to know to start creating your life your way. Because, it IS possible and I’m here to show you how!

Let’s start with what it’s not. It’s not magic. It’s not making a Pinterest vision board of all the things you want and having everything materialize out of thin air. It’s not having to think positively all the time because bad things will happen if you have a single negative thought. (We’re not that powerful, thankfully.)

So what is it?

Manifestation is simply turning an idea into reality. People generally talk about manifesting in terms of bringing their desires - often for a happier, healthier more fulfilling life - into existence. And I can definitely get behind that! Where the concept falls short, is that it often leaves out a critical piece of the puzzle…action. Traditional “Law of Attraction” thinking will have you believe that your thoughts are powerful enough. Again: they aren’t. 

Getting the manifestation results you desire is really all about your mindset, becoming your true, authentic self and taking inspired, aligned action towards your goals.

It’s about connecting with who you are and becoming the best version of yourself. It’s a journey that requires you to put in the work (and ACTION - inspired or otherwise) and meet the universe half way. Your job is becoming the version of yourself that feels truly worthy of your desires, and is fully, beautifully aligned with the most authentic version of yourself. 

But…how do you do that? Here’s the thing: we manifest from our subconscious minds, which means we many truly think we want a flourishing, successful business or an adoring partner, for example, but unless our underlying, core beliefs are in alignment with those desires and we feel worthy of those things, we will be stuck in a cycle of attracting what we feel we subconsciously deserve, instead of what we consciously desire.

There are so many tools and techniques (affirmations, vision boards, meditating, scripting, and journaling to name a few) to help you bridge that gap - and they all have a place - but the fastest way I’ve seen people (myself included) make huge shifts, re-program their subconscious minds and begin to get results is through hypnosis. And that’s where I come in!

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into our subconscious minds, mix in a little neuroscience and get into alignment with our highest, vibiest selves. And if you’re interested in really diving deep and giving it a try…sign up for my FREE 5 Day Manifestation Bootcamp! 



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I help early stage entrepreneurs reinvent themselves, embody their next level, 6 figure CEO selves + master the art of mindset, manifestation + aligned strategy to QUANTUM LEAP in their lives and businesses. Because it's ALL possible... xo

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